The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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Italy: CFWIJ condemns sexual harrasment of sports journalist Greta Beccaglia, stresses need for safer environment for women journalists

November 29, 2021, Tuscany – A spectator sexually harassed sports journalist Greta Beccaglia, who was reporting live on a football match in Florence, Tuscany on Saturday. At the Serie A football match, where players sported red face paint to demand a red card or an end to violence against women, a spectator groped the journalist while she was reporting live for Toscana TV. The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the sexual misconduct at the match and extends complete support to Greta as she files charges against the perpetrator. 

Greta was on assignment and interviewing fans streaming out of the Carlo Castellani Stadium when one male fan approached her and sexually harassed her. Greta remained calm and told the perpetrator, “Sorry, you can’t do this”. As the journalist continued her report another spectator stopped beside her and made an obscene hand gesture at the camera. Both the perpetrators were caught on camera and the footage was later made public. 

The police have reportedly identified the first man, a Fiorentina fan, with the help of surveillance footage from the stadium and are taking action following Greta’s complaint. The CFWIJ extends support to Greta as she pursues legal action against the perpetrator. We call on the relevant authorities to bring the perpetrators to book and ensure a safer environment for women journalists. 

It is deeply concerning that Greta’s male colleague initially attempted to dismiss the sexual conduct she faced on the field. Although he reportedly apologized later for his initial response and support for Greta poured in from journalist bodies, the sexual harassment Greta was exposed to in the field and her colleague’s - a witness to the misconduct - initial disregard for the distress she was put through, is reflective of a deeper problem pervasive in the industry. 

Prevalent sexism and culture of impunity for misogynistic attitudes within sports journalism, and both industries at large, exposes women journalists to violations against them. At the match on November 27, 2021, players of both teams - Empoli and Florentina - called for an end to violence against women. The red paint on the players’ faces aimed to spread awareness for an anti-stalking website. A necessary step but one evidently ignored by their fans. 

The CFWIJ has repeatedly stressed on the need for the sports media industry to reevaluate its gender and worker politics in order to become safer for all members of its community. Women sports journalists face similar mistreatment because of their gender around the world. In March 2021, 150 women sports journalists denounced the sexism they face in their line of work. The misogynistic culture around sports worldwide fosters the harassment and hate women journalists face in the field, stressed French women journalists, calling for a unified effort to push back against such misconduct.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with the sports journalists and calls for an urgent redressal of the structural and deep seated issues they routinely face. Women journalists have to not only navigate the unpredictable nature of the job, but also have to contend with the misogyny embedded in the news industry and the sports industry alike. We condemn the sexual misconduct Greta Beccaglia faced and extend her our support. We call on all stakeholders to develop mechanisms ensuring safety of women journalists in newsrooms and on the field. Italian authorities must actively work to promote a safe and conducive environment for women journalists to do their jobs.