The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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France: CFWIJ Condemns The Physical Attack Against Photographer Estelle Ruiz

January 14, 2022, Nantes- Photographer Estelle Ruiz was physically assaulted by protesters during an anti-vax demonstration in Nantes in France. Three persons put Estelle on the ground and damaged her equipment. The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the attack against Estelle and calls on French authorities to investigate the case.  

Estelle Ruiz is a freelancer, while she was assigned by Studio Hans Luca photo agency when physically assaulted by protesters in Nantes. She was wearing a press armband when three people attacked her.

“Saturday January 8, 2022 in Nantes, while I was covering the demonstration against the bill to introduce the Vaccinal Pass, I was the victim of an attack by demonstrators. They put me on the ground before grabbing my camera which they then violently threw to the ground,” Estelle wrote, reporting the case on a platform.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns this act of violence, especially when victims are freelancers whose struggles on ensuring equipment are much bigger. We call on French authorities, where Estelle already filed a complaint, to investigate the case, identify and punish the perpetrators.

“Apart from the shock of this aggression and the loss of my work tool, what bothers me the most is that I no longer have any equipment to satisfy my passion for social photography,” Estelle wrote.

Citizens have been protesting across western Europe against COVID-19 vaccine requirements. Al Jazeera reported that only in France more than 100,000 people took the streets to oppose what they called the government’s plans to restrict the rights of the unvaccinated.

Media members covering these rallies have been often attacked by protesters.