Reports and numbers that tell us the story about the risks and attacks women journalists face around the world

The Coalition For Women In Journalism keeps a close watch on the threats faced by women journalists around the world. We actively document any form of targeting or attacks on women journalists that impact their ability to work. We gather information through our networks on the ground. Our data consists of cases that are publicly available as well as those that are shared with us privately in places where we are actively engaged. To request any details or report information about an incident, or violation press freedom in a region, email us at For press inquiries please email us at


Imprisoned Around The World

Imprisoned 2019

In 2021, at least 50 women journalists around the world are in prisons for their journalistic coverage. In 2019, that figure was 47. Iran is the country with the highest number of imprisoned women journalists, with 11 women journalists awaiting justice behind bars. China followed its lead by locking seven women journalists in prison.

Turkey is another country that relentlessly persecutes women journalists, with at least four journalists imprisoned across the country. Saudi Arabia incarcerated at least four women journalists, while Egypt had four in custody. Belarus, Vietnam and the Philippines jailed three women journalists, while Burundi, Myanmar and Cambodia have at least two women journalists behind bars. Laos, Russia, Guatemala, Palestine and Syria also have at least one journalist in prison. The country-specific breakdown below provides details about the journalists who remain imprisoned through 2021.

Read our statements and find details about cases here.


Killed in the field

Reports: Threats Against Women Journalists

Country and Region Reports →