The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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Germany: Rise of extreme right wing is a threat to women journalists in the country

September 18, 2020, Dresden, Germany -- Menace towards journalists in Germany is on the rise with right-wing extremism taking the platform more publicly in the country. PEGIDA (anti-Islamist right-wing movement) has been attacking press since its formation in 2014. During their formation rally, German media were declared as part of the problem by the speakers, labeled as "lying press", which is a directly controlled organ of government, a compliant propaganda tool.

On September 13, the press was again attacked by PEGIDA supporters during protests in Dresden. Two women radio reporters from the MDR, regional public service broadcaster were verbally abused and threatened by a protester who “ordered” them to show their press credentials while speakers on the podium also singled out their network MDR and spew verbal abuse against the media. 

Although the journalists whose names are not disclosed were not physically harmed nor were removed from the scene, it is a worrying incident that left them uncomfortable. The Coalition For Women In Journalism follows the recent agitative approach towards journalists extremely alarming. We call upon authorities and EU agencies to ensure that journalists cover news without facing hatred and harassment.