Afghanistan: CFWIJ Congratulates Anisa Shaheed for RSF honor


June 17, 2020, Kabul -- Reporters Without Borders has recognized TOLOnews journalist Anisa Shaheed for "courageous" reporting amid the coronavirus outbreak. 

Anisa was listed in a group of 30 international “information heroes” -- journalists, whistleblowers and media outlets-- whose "courage, perseverance or capacity to innovate has helped to circulate reliable and vital information during the Covid-19 pandemic."

RSF said that although many Afghan media workers have caught COVID-19, Anisa Shaheed, a "courageous journalist," is still out reporting every day.

RSF spotlighted Shaheed's covering of the shooting attack on the maternity ward of a Kabul hospital in mid-May and "the government’s mishandling of the pandemic," all while "exhibiting the highest professional standards."

For Shaheed, and other Afghan reporters, "it took courage to simply keep reporting in the field with the threat of infection compounding the threat of militants’ attack," said RSF.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism congratulates Anisa on this great honor.