Afghanistan: CFWIJ is alarmed by the forced deportation of journalists by the U.S. military


August 28, 2021, Kabul - Journalist Stefanie Glinski and nine other journalists were detained by the United States Armed Forces at Kabul airport. They were intercepted before they could continue into the city. Despite the journalists wanting to stay in Kabul and arranging transport between the airport and the city, the U.S. forces deported the journalists. The marines allegedly pushed journalists onto an airplane that was meant for vulnerable Afghans looking to flee.  

A man who works for the U.S. State Department told journalist Stefanie Glinski, “As a white woman, you stand out and shouldn’t go. I am Middle Eastern, I know.” The journalist later filed a complaint against the individual with the state department, his photo included. 

The journalists were forced to manifest for the flight and were given barcode bracelets linked to their ID cards. Then, they had to involuntarily board a U.S. military plane to Doha. While non-American citizen journalists were deported immediately, one foreign journalist from Al Jazeera was granted entry to Kabul by U.S. forces.


Against her will, members of the U.S. forces shoved Stefanie towards the plane. During which, she fell and hurt her hand and elbow. All journalists were forced to take their bags and were corralled onto the airplane unheeded. Stefanie shared a video on Instagram and explained the situation. She mentioned that despite having valid visas, passports, and required documents, the U.S. military ordered the journalists out of Afghanistan. 

Stefanie tweeted her dismay with the situation. After describing how the journalists were unwillingly pushed and prodded onto the plane, she said, “Most who were deported have lived/reported from Afghanistan for years, decades even. Can US explain??”

CFWIJ is concerned about journalists’ safety in the country and the forced deportations by the U.S. military. While many journalists are stuck in Afghanistan under the Taliban’s threat, authorities should ensure that journalists are safe and able to report freely to uphold the media in the country.