United States: Georgia chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists condemns the detainment of Alyssa Pointer


June 6, 2020, Atlanta, GA-- Atlanta Journal-Constitution staff photographer Alyssa Pointer was detained and handcuffed on June 1st while she was covering the protests in downtown Atlanta. Pointer identified herself, and her press badge was clearly displayed. She had her hands zip-tied behind her back and was not released until other reporters intervened.

SPJ Georgia President Charlotte Norsworthy said that Pointer’s detainment deprived her of her First Amendment rights while she discussed the anxiety the week has caused for journalists on the front lines.

Demonstrations sparked across United States after murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, in the pursuit of justice. With numerous police forces deployed to protest sites, journalists face constant threat of violence, arrest and censorship. Hundreds of journalists have reported to have faced attempts at censorship, verbal attacks, blatant threats and police violence. Hundreds of journalists have been arrested while on duty and black journalists who take the ongoing civil unrest very personally are especially targeted. CFWIJ follows the events closely with great concern.

CFWIJ urges authorities to stop using legal mechanisms as a way to censor press and intimidate journalists.