Belarus: CFWIJ denounces the harassment of Journalist Tatsiana Bublikawa by the Police


January 15, 20201- Minsk - Journalist Tatsiana Bublikawa, of independent news agency BelaPan in Belarus, was mistreated by the police during a raid at her office. The search was conducted in relation to an ongoing investigation into a former employee, Andrei Alexandrov. As a result, Tatsiana suffered from panic and high blood pressure and was later admitted to the hospital.  The Coalition for Women in Journalism denounces this deplorable behavior towards journalists in Belarus.

According to Tatsiana, police raided the office of BelaPAN Editorial on January 14, during which all office employees were ordered not to touch their computers or phones. In a video posted on Facebook, Tatsiana says she recorded one of the videos from the hospital toilet where she was accompanied by security. At the hospital, she was diagnosed with hypertension and was admitted into the cardiology ward, where she recorded a second video.
In the videos. it is evident that Tatsiana was terrified, her hands shaking while recording. She said that the police raid at her office is responsible for the deterioration in her condition. Once the raid was over and Tatsiana was safely in the hospital, she began to feel better. Tatsiana was only able to record the second video because security personnel were not allowed inside the hospital department.

Обыск в офисе редакции БелаПАН. Начало в 12.10. Проводит СК в рамках уголовного дела, заведенного на журналиста Андрея...

Tatsiana Bublikawa paylaştı: 14 Ocak 2021 Perşembe

According to Tatsiana, during the search process, the police did not allow employees to touch anything from laptops to phones, and even their lawyer was not allowed to be present. She said that she feels very concerned for her colleagues and Andrei. Back in 2008, Tatsiana was warned for activities on behalf of the Belsat TV channel. 

Belarus has been under political crisis since August after the contested presidential election. It is often exemplified in Belarus how critical thinkers and journalists are systematically targeted. The state wants to control the narrative through restrictive tactics on media and press freedom. Through their oppressive approach, they continue to harass independent voices.
The Press Freedom Index ranks Belarus at 153 out of 180 countries, revealing the precarious situation of press freedom in the country. The Coalition For Women In Journalism has recorded several incidents of threats and intimidation against women journalists in Belarus. We again demand the Belarussian authorities to respect the freedom of expression and allow the free press to thrive in the country without persecution.