The Coalition For Women In Journalism

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Canada: Tanya Hayles, Melissa Martin latest recipients of ‘serial Canadian journalist insulter’

October 6, 2021- Two more journalists were sent vile and racist emails this week, bringing the number of journalists, most of them women of color, targeted by an ongoing hate campaign to 20. Tanya Hayles, freelance journalist, founder of the online platform "Black Moms Connect'', and the latest victim of the vicious hate campaign, says she is amused by such attempts to silence her. Similarly, another journalist, Melissa Martin, who also received a hateful email by the “serial Canadian journalist insulter,” wondered at the pettiness of such trolls. 
The Coalition For Women In Journalism is concerned that the vicious, racially charged and deeply gendered hate campaign, sparked by right-wing politician Maxime Bernier’s provocative tweets, is continuing unabated. Displeased by their coverage of his work, and their line of inquiry, Bernier encouraged his supporters to “play dirty”, thus initiating a violent targeted harassment campaign against the journalists. Although he was later forced to delete his provocative tweets, after Twitter suspended his account, the damage was done. In less than a month, at least 20 journalists have been attacked online with vile and threatening emails, many of them sent by the same ‘serial insulter’.

"I do more in a day to make this country better than some elected officials and 1/8 the resources. I also have voted in every election since I could - so have every right (literally) to speak my mind,” wrote Tanya on Twitter as shared evidenceof the hate mail she was sent. "I’m not upset by this. I’m amused by it. The energy this planned email campaign has is hilarious. These folks (White men) have way too much time on their hands," said Tanya.

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CFWIJ stands in solidarity with Tanya and commends her resolve. We are aware that this was a willful attempt to intimidate journalists and prevent them from asking difficult questions. We know that online violence can quickly translate into physical violence and remain concerned for the safety of journalists, especially women journalists of color.  

Melissa Martin also took to Twitter to report the vile email sent to her. "The serial Canadian journalist insulter apparently can’t muster anything more creative for me than asking why my public @caj board email is public," she said, sharing a screenshot. “I’m totally alright, far more concerned about the BIPOC folk who he reserves his worst for,” she told the CFWIJ on Twitter.

We laud the strength and courage of the women journalists, who stand undaunted in the face of such hate. We reiterate, however, that no journalist should be targeted in this manner and condemn the actions of Maxime Bernier. It is alarming to see how accomplished women journalists have been humiliated and threatened by anonymous keyboard warriors. 

It is no secret that right wing sentiment can be provoked on social media fairly easily, resulting in real life consequences for members of vulnerable communities. Social media platforms need to devise more vigilant ways to prevent incidents like these. Journalism is not a crime. We denounce such hateful rhetoric and demand Bernier issue an apology for the distress he has caused. CFWIJ reiterates its demand for the Canadian authorities to swiftly investigate these attacks and ensure the protection of journalists. 

The Canadian Association of Journalists has also issued a detailed statement condemning this wave of online attacks and demanded a swift investigation into the widespread harassment of journalists. We ask for a robust investigation and demand that the perpetrators behind these attacks must be tracked down by the law enforcement authorities.