Ecuador: Journalist Dayanna Monroy targeted with a smear campaign by former president Abdalá Bucaram
November 20, 2020 – Dayanna Monroy, reporter with the National TV, was targeted with an online smear campaign by former president Abdalá Bucaram.
The campaign followed the airing of Monroy’s reportage that revealed a network of corruption in public hospitals throughout the country. Monroy’s reportage also revealed the former president's son Jacobo Bucaram Pulley’s involvement in organized crime. The CFWIJ strongly believes this vicious campaign against the journalist is to deliberately harass her for her reporting. And to distract the public from paying attention to the corruption scandal.
Former President Bucaram and his eldest son, Jacobo Bucaram Pulley, were under an investigation for the discovery of a network of corruption in public hospitals. In addition to that, five agents of the Metropolitan Transit Agency (AMT) were involved in this organized crime.
On November 17, the former president wrote on his Twitter account “As always, the miserable @dayannamonroy lies through @teleamazonas. My son has never made such misinformation requests in 24 HOURS. Tomorrow we will present a document of who asks the HORNADO CHANCHO in jail 4. How long do you lie perverse?”
The day after Bucaram publicly denounced the journalist, he dedicated another tweet to insult Dayanna with inappropriate language.
According to FUNDAMEDIOS, Twitter has become the Bucaram family’s platform of choice to target journalists. The family has been under investigation for allegations of corruption, exposed by journalists following the story. In recent months, the organization has documented at least three incidents of online harassment against journalists committed by members of the Bucaram family.
In July, Dayanna was cyberbullied on social networks powered by Jacobo Bucaram Pulley. Bucaram was investigated by the prosecution for the alleged marketing of medical supplies at the Ecuador Social Security Institute (IESS) Hospital. Bucaram's son insulted Dayanna and sent her sexually explicit photographs. On October 16, Abdalá Bucaram assured that he would file criminal charges against Dayanna, using derogatory terms to refer to the journalist.
The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the harassment and the use of inappropriate language against Dayanna Monroy. We find it alarming to see the constant online attacks directed against the journalist for her reportage on contentious topics. We call on the Ecuadorian authorities and Twitter officials to take action against such online trolling campaigns and ensure the safety of journalists. Journalists are obliged to reveal the truth and inform the public, and we know that these attacks can have very severe consequences.