Iran: CFWIJ is horrified by the physical attack on Faeze Momeni


May 19, 2021 - Faeze Momeni, a correspondent for Event 24 News, was covering her assignment at Shahid Beheshti University when she was attacked. The journalist was leaving the premises when she was attacked by guards of the university, resulting in a broken finger and hospitalization. CFWIJ highly condemns the brutal attack on Faeze and demands Iranian law enforcement hold the perpetrators accountable. The journalist was dutifully reporting on the management of COVID-19 from vaccination centers to keep the public freely informed. Faeze must be appreciated for her dedication and diligence rather than targeted by attacks. 


Faeze Momeni was visiting one of the COVID-19 vaccination centers to report on the inoculation process. The journalist was preparing her news report by gathering information and holding interviews. She had her press credentials with her on the premises while covering her assignment. As the journalist was leaving the center, she was obstructed by guards who asked her to hand over her phone and delete the recordings. After refusing their unjustified demand, Faeze was physically assaulted. The assailants injured her arm and broke her finger, which required surgery to repair. 

The journalist shared her ordeal in a tweet with the x-ray of her broken finger, “I was present in the vaccination center for almost an hour and a half and interviewed some of the doctors and staff. I was leaving when guards asked for my mobile and told me to erase the recording. I did not take any notice. As I left, they pushed me and broke my finger from the middle. I had to undergo an operation and got bolts inserted.”

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is appalled by the malicious attack on Faeze Momeni. Women journalists around the world are covering the COVID-19 crisis reporting from the frontlines to keep people informed. We demand Iranian law enforcement immediately investigate this incident. The perpetrators responsible for the attack must be apprehended and tried before a court. CFWIJ wishes Faeze Momeni a quick and full recovery.