Lebanon: CFWIJ demands authorities to dismiss the libel case filed against journalist Diana Moukalled

Lebanon: CFWIJ demands authorities to dismiss the libel case filed against journalist Diana Moukalled

Veteran journalist and the editor-in-chief of the news outlet Daraj, Diana Moukalled, will appear in court on January 14 for her alleged defamation of a person named ‘Rahhal’.

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Lebanon: Albeit the catastrophic Blast, Lebanese politicians are using defamation laws to silence women journalists and political dissidents

Lebanon: Albeit the catastrophic Blast, Lebanese politicians are using defamation laws to silence women journalists and political dissidents

Nabih Berry, Speaker of the Lebanese parliament and Bassil Jubran, president of the free patriot movement are suing Journalist Dima Sadek for allegations of spreading false news under defamation law.

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