United Kingdom: CFWIJ is alarmed about the threats journalist Amy Fenton face


June 19, 2020, Cumbria, United Kingdom -- The Coalition For Women In Journalism is deeply concerned and alarmed over the threats that Newsquest’s South Cumbria chief reporter Amy Fenton faces which forces her to flee her home.

Fenton works for a local newspaper which is essential to her small North-West England town’s community. 

On May 23, The Mail published a report by Amy Fenton concerning a woman who had been charged with perverting the course of justice. Following publication, Fenton reportedly received in excess of 100 death threats both on and offline. 

Speaking to National Union of Journalists Fenton said: "This isn’t the first time I’ve been subjected to vile abuse simply for doing my job, and for reporting the facts as the law dictates and as any qualified, experienced senior reporter would, but the extent and relentless barrage of coordinated abuse is unprecedented.”


The following day, on 24 May 2020, having assessed the threats made and believing there was a credible risk to her life and that of her young daughter, police advised Fenton to leave her family home. She has since been staying in a secret location under constant police protection. 

An alert on her case has been submitted to the Council of Europe Platform for the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists, supported by ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship and PEN International. 

Amy is not the first woman journalist to face threats for simply doing a good job. In the first half of the 2020, CFWIJ recorded 190 attacks and threats towards women journalists around the world. Journalists should not have to act “brave” in order to perform their professional duties.

CFWIJ finds the threats despicable and urges the UK authorities to provide her with safety measures and ensure press freedom in the country. We call upon all media organisations to follow Amy’s case and stand in solidarity with her.