United States: CFWIJ condemns the online racist and sexist attacks on Seung Min Kim


February 26, 2021- Washington Post correspondent Seung Min Kim was subjected to racist and sexist attacks. The hateful attacks against the journalist were followed by a picture of her with senator Lisa Murkowski. The journalist inquired Murkowski about an old tweet of Neera Tanden, a nominee for director office. As Murkowski was unaware of the tweet, Kim showed it on her phone and included the senators' reaction in her story. Kim did exactly what any reporter should have done i.e, present the information if the subject is unaware of it. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with Kim and condemns the racist and sexist attacks on the journalist. 
White House correspondent, Seung Min Kim came across senator Lisa Murkowski in the Capitol Hill building. Kim inquired the senator about an old tweet in which Neera Tenden had criticized her saying that she is high on her own supply. Neera Tanden is a nominee for director of management and budget for Alaska. Senator Murkowski was not aware of this tweet and Kim showed her on the phone. Later the picture of Kim with the senator was flooded with sexist and racist attacks against the reporter.

The Washington Post national editor, Steven Ginsberg issued a detailed statement in Kims’ defense. Steven Ginsberg said in his statement that, “A picture of Seung Min showing the tweet to Murkowski was posted to Twitter, which led to the flood of racist, sexist and ill-informed attacks on Seung Min. The racist and sexist attacks have been vicious and typical. She and other minority women endure vile, baseless attacks daily, no matter what story they are working on, or tweeting about. The attacks on her journalistic integrity were wildly misguided and a bad faith effort at intimidation.”

The Coalition For Women In Journalism welcomes the statement of The Washington Post editor. We appreciate that Steven Ginsberg acknowledged the journalists’ hard work and contribution and denounced the attacks on her. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with Kim and all other women journalists who continue to practice journalism passionately amidst all the threats and attacks.