United States: CFWIJ is appalled by the threats faced by Susan Slusser


September 6, 2021- A sportswriter and beat reporter for the San Francisco Giants, Susan Slusser was accosted by a drunk man as she left Oracle Park after the game on Sunday, September 5. In a tweet, the journalist shared the incident and mentioned she was rescued by a group of Los Angeles fans. The CFWIJ is alarmed by the threats she endured. Susan was fortunate that the fans intervened, otherwise, the situation could have escalated quickly. The CFWIJ demands authorities apprehend the aggressor involved in the incident.

Susan Slusser is an established journalist and the first woman to serve as president of the Baseball Writers Association of America. On September 5, after the Giants had lost to the Dodgers, she left Oracle Park. Susan shared in her tweet that she was accosted by an intoxicated man in the parking lot. Luckily, she was surrounded by a group of LA fans who kept the man away from her and accompanied Susan to her car.

The journalist shared in a subsequent tweet that the Giants administration is looking into the incident. She also clarified she doesn't think the incident had anything to do with the fanbase. She recalled the man who threatened her was not wearing merchandise from either team.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is horrified by the encounter Susan faced outside Oracle Park. We demand law enforcement authorities identify and apprehend the assailant. Women in sports journalism have faced systematic harassment in the field and the newsroom. The CFWIJ has widely reported on women sports journalists facing public intimidation and sexist remarks. The newsrooms must make greater efforts to ensure the safety of women sports journalists in the field.