Belarus: CFWIJ is dismayed as the journalist Valyaryna Kustava leaves the country amidst threats


June 17, 2021- Valyaryna Kustava, a poet and an anchor for Belarusian television left the country along with her toddler daughter amidst the threats to her safety. The journalist was facing two criminal cases against her in the ongoing persecution against dissents and critical journalists. 

Valyaryna shared the news on her Facebook account on June 15. She mentioned that she is now in safety with her two-year-old daughter. She stated that police sealed her apartment after the search making it impossible for her and her daughter to enter their home. CFWIJ is dismayed that the persistent harassment and violations of journalists' rights pushed her to leave her hometown and stay somewhere else. We hold Belarusian state authorities responsible and demand that the state must stop targeting women journalists for doing their job. 

Valyaryna is one of many journalists who had left the country after the protests erupted in the country since August last year. The journalist shared her grief of leaving the country on her Facebook account. She wrote, “Now I’m safe friends and can finally respond. Now I’m not just a poet but a dissident and also a little refuge.” She stated that she can not accept it is going to be long-term emigration. Valyaryna shared how a black bus arrived at her house with security guards and broke into her apartment. Police visited her workplace and her parent's residence. For days the authorities looked into her stuff and kept on checking her neighbours. She confessed in her post that to date she has no idea whatever they confiscated. After that, the apartment was sealed and she had no access to her residence and not even her lawyer. 

She further said that in a matter of a few days, she lost her friends, family, and her hometown. She thanked her friends who helped her through this tough time. Vlyaryna shared that she had to walk through forests and swamps to get to this safe place without any funds, things, and friends. The journalist was finally able to sleep without fear when she reached her safe place. She stated that authorities may confiscate everything but the only thing they can not steal away is my solidarity.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is dismayed over this latest case of threats and violations against a women journalist in Belarus. It has become a norm in the country to not let critical voices breathe. Several journalists have either left the country or are suffering abuse in prisons under the present regime. CFWIJ has designed a detailed report containing all the major cases of press freedom violations in the country against women journalists. We appreciate and stand in solidarity with all these courageous women journalists. We demand Belarusian authorities to stop harassing journalists and follow the set standards of press freedom. Targeting women journalists for their work and opinions is something very cowardly and not suitable for the state’s perception as well.