Panama: CFWIJ demands swift investigation into the death threats journalist Flor Mizrachi faces


June 8, 2021 – La Prensa reporter and ECO TV presenter Flor Mizrachi faced death threats following her news coverage about corruption in Panama’s COVID-19 vaccination process. The journalist received phone calls after publishing her two reports of irregular vaccination. The Coalition For Women In Journalism (CFWIJ) is utterly dismayed by the vicious threats Flor faced. We call Panamanian authorities to conduct a swift investigation into the incident and identify the suspects. We demand security officials to ensure the safety of journalist’s safety. 

The journalist received threatening phone calls, after revealing two stories in the newspaper La Prensa. The stories were about the corruption of the COVID-19 vaccination process. Also, the former president of Panama targeted journalists through social media for the allegations he was involved in corruption.

On June 8, 2021, the first story revealed in the newspaper, the journalist received a call from a private, unidentified number. "Watch out your life," said a voice that was not identified. The call was cut off abruptly. The next day, she received three more calls, between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., also from private numbers. The same voice repeated the same message against her. 

 Flor’s story details how 17 people were vaccinated at a location in the Coco del Mar Suites, allegedly with Pfizer doses, in exchange for about 200$ each. Currently, the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines is exclusive to governments. The Health Minister, Luis Francisco Sucre, filed a complaint about the incidents that took place in Panama and the anti-corruption prosecutor Ruth Morcillo carried out raids at the places where people illegally vaccinated. 

 Also allegedly, the former President Ernesto Pérez Balladares was vaccinated at his residence, along with his relatives, who are more than 10 people. Following the story, the former president targeted the journalist and her news outlet on Twitter. He said, “Seems that for the Mizrachi and the rag in the country there is nothing left to cover. The reason I asked for kindness is none of your concern and the protocol of vaccinating the environment was followed.” Flor Mizrachi was subjected to online trolling after the president’s attack against her.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns all types of intimidation policies that target journalists and their news coverage. We demand Panamanian authorities make sure journalist’s safe and conduct a swift investigation into these vicious threats. Journalists must freely and safely do their jobs.