United States: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades threatened by protestors and hit by police. CFWIJ stands in solidarity with the journalist


January 7, 2021— Freelance photojournalist Amanda Andrade-Rhoades was targeted multiple times with projectiles reportedly fired by the police. She was also confronted by three different protestors who threatened to shoot her. Amanda was covering the Capitol Hill riots when she felt rubber bullets hit her leg multiple times. CFWIJ condemns the assaults and stands in solidarity with the photojournalist. 

According to Amanda, she was assigned to cover the Capitol Hill riots for The Washington Post. She described that the situation escalated very quickly, and Capitol police were seemingly unprepared to control the rioters. She observed people equipped with pepper spray, knives, and bulletproof jackets, clearly prepared for armed combat. She recounted how at one point, a man threatened her, “I am coming back with a gun tomorrow, and I am coming for you.” 
Amanda shared a picture of her bruised leg on Twitter, stating, “Since someone asked, I’m pretty sure these were rubber bullets but not 100% sure. The one on the top of my thigh is very swollen, but it looks worse than it feels. That may not be the case tomorrow though ¯\_(ツ)_/.” When describing the chaos, Amanda states that Capitol police were taken off-guard, and they were not fully prepared to counter rioters.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism stands in solidarity with Amanda and the many brave women reporters who worked tirelessly to cover the Capitol Hill insurrection. We urge law enforcement and the authorities to apprehend the perpetrators behind these threats and ensure press safety.