United States: CFWIJ condemns Trump supporters’ harassment of CBC journalist Katie Nicholson


January 7, 2021 - CBC journalist Katie Nicholson was reporting live when she was suddenly swarmed by a mob of angry Trump supporters. Meagan Fitzpatrick, a Toronto resident, shared a video on Twitter where Katie Nicholson can be seen helpless while hostile Trump supporters gather around her, hurling insults. Katie and her crew stood their ground but were unable to continue reporting amidst the threatening chaos.

Meagan Fitzpatrick later tweeted that Katie was unharmed and came back on air after a short break. Katie Nicholson has been reporting on the ground since the insurrection started on Capitol Hill, and spread to the streets of Washington D.C.

The Coalition For Women In Journalism is deeply concerned for all the women journalists risking their safety to report in such hazardous conditions. We condemn the intimidating and insulting behaviour that journalists must endure in the line of work. We urge authorities to implement proper practices and act accordingly to ensure the safety of the press.